
Hi, my name is Amanda welcome to my blog site! This is all still pretty new to me but I'm going to make my first post just an introduction to myself and what this page will be about.

I am currently a college student studying computer engineering. I love movies, video games, but most of all books. I run a bookstagram (acepages) which I have been doing for a little under a year now where I was introduced to the book community. I have been an avid reader since I was in middle school but never met so many people that loved the same things I did, it opened up my world. So I am branching out, for a while now I considered doing a booktube channel but with my classes and work, I couldn't dedicate the time needed to run the channel. So I decided to try doing a blog instead.

In this blog I want to be able to post reviews on books, thoughts on books/series, update on releases, discuss book-boxes/merch, and answer any questions that I get asked a lot. Questions like, how do you stain the edges of your books, how do I start a bookstagram and other similar questions. This blog will be different from my bookstagram, hopefully, more personal and detailed.

Anything you want to see on this page, just let me know, and as always, happy reading!


  1. I am looking forward to your content which I know will be interesting.

    1. Thank you! I am still editing and making changes as I go but hopefully I will be where I want to be with it soon.


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